UDC 378:37.09:62
Dmitry A. Kozorez, Doc. Sc. (Technic), Docent, Prorector of education at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), e-mail: kozorezda@mai.ru
Yuriy G. Sledkov, Cand. Sc. (Technic), Docent at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), e-mail: ygs@mai.ru
Anna V. Korneenkova, Cand. Sc. (Technic), Docent at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), e-mail: ankorn77@gmail.com
Marya I. Toporova, Senior teacher at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), e-mail: toporovami@mail.ru
Alena V. Rumakina, Senior teacher at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), e-mail: a_rumakina@mail.ru
The problem of the implementation of individual educational trajectories of students developing basic educational programs of higher education in a technical university, whose feature is a holistic education in a certain area of professional activity, is considered. The authors define an individual educational trajectory as an individual plan for professional and personal development, which helps the student to discover his interest in a particular direction and develop his strongest qualities. The article proposes an approach to the implementation of individualization in the development of basic educational programs through the introduction of the model of higher education ‘2 + 2 + 2’, which allows the student to choose an enlarged group of areas and specialties, the direction of training and the educational program during training. The authors consider the problems of ensuring the choice of an educational program after the second year of undergraduate studies, which are regulated by the procedure for transferring a student to another educational program of higher education. The problems of choosing elective disciplines by students of different courses of study and areas of training are also considered. The authors propose an approach for obtaining additional microqualifications for students within the framework of one educational program without violating the systemic nature of education, which in turn allows the graduate to perform his professional functions in several jobs and increases his competitiveness in the labor market.
Keywords: individualization of education, individual educational trajectory, higher education model ‘2 + 2 + 2’, educational process, elective discipline, competencies, micro qualification, type of professional activity, object of professional activity, labor function.
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