Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Using Google as the system of search of language data in Web corpus: training in English writing pedagogy

O.S. Kvashnina, Yu.P. Azhel
80,00 ₽


O.S. Kvashnina is senior lecturer e-mail:; and Yu.P. Azhel is senior lecturer


at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University


Analyzed is the use of the Web as a corpus of language data and program concondancer as one of promising directions in development and improving of the process of training in English as foreign language. The use of popular search engine Google to hunt and define authentic language patterns is mostly advantageous for teaching English writing way of speaking, as well as in developing skills of mastering learning autonomy of students. The authors are studying possibilities of Google as the system of search of data in the Web-corpus with the aim of development writing way of speaking of students of non-laguage high school, and also compare results of the current investigation with results of experiment of using traditional linguistic corpus in the process of training in English. Conclusion is made about potential and advantages of using Google as the system of access to authentic language data in global Web.

Key words: web corpus, Google, training in English, language data, linguistic corpus.



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