Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Training of cadres in the field of biotechnology

V.I. Shvets, R.R. Biglov
80,00 ₽


V.I. Shvets is Acadimician, RAS, Dr.Sci. (Chemistry), prof. e-mail:; and R.R. Biglov is Cand.Sci. (Technique), doc. e-mail:

at Moscow Technological University


Elaborated is the theme of training professional cadres in the sphere of biotechnology in higher school. In particular, analyzed is actual in it’s significance problem of inconsistency between part of “The list of specialties and directions of higher education” and “The list of professions and specialties of vocational education” available and eventually created areas of professional activity in the field of biotechnology. So, as a branch biotechnology is currently in the process of intensive development, but still legally do not appear relevant to profession and professional standards. Also in Russia, as in the world, there is classification of biotechnologies. The authors proposed to correct the named “Lists” in concordance with this classification.

Key words: biotechnology, training of cadres, educational standards, professional standards.



  1. Bio-technology. Principles and using. Moscow, 1988.
  2. Reformation of biological education on the basis of the Bologna process. Moscow, 2016.
  3. URL:
  4. Elaboration of educational programs and educational modules in the direction of development of pharmaceutical industry “Biotechnology”. Moscow; 2012—2013.