N.A. Zhdankin is Dr. Sci. in Engineering, prof. at NITU “MISIS”
Analyzed is the problem of the struggle against “brain drain’ of Russian intellectual resources abroad. Singled out are both objective reasons and subjective causes of the problem. Shown is, that this problem, nowadays becoming more and more acute, determines the future of the country. In the author’s opinion, solution of the problem of “brain drain” could be conductive thanks to a number of innovative approaches to social and economic development of the country. In connection with that, shown are basic approaches, assisting solution of the named problem. But, as the author states, analysis of the problem of “brain drain” abroad on the basis of generating of ideas evidences, that leading role in determined directions of activity might be played by the state. Also presented are concrete examples of corresponding activity of various state institutions in marked direction.
Key words: problem of “brain drain” abroad, weak financing of science, low wage of scientists, innovative approaches, analysis of problem, identification of main reasons, generating of ideas.
- [URL]:
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- Zhdankin, N.A. Innovations in Russia: how competently place priorities? Economic strategy, 2012, no. 8, pp. 54–61.
- Zhdankin, N.A., Balasanova, D.A. How to raise motivation of students to study by innovative approaches? Rector of high school, 2013, no. 3, pp. 50–57.
- Zhdankin, N.A., Gurin, D.V. How to create new workplaces innovative approaches. Innovative management, 2013, no. 5, pp. 42–53.
- Zhdankin, N.A. Choice of innovative strategy of development of enterprise. Mining magazine, 2013, no. 10.
- Zhdankin, N.A., Suanov, V.M. Innovative approach to solution of the problem of employment of graduates. Rector of high school, 2014, no. 3, pp. 4–13.
- Zhdankin, N.A. Innovations for fight against corruption. Strategy of Russia, 2014, no. 7, pp. 49–60.