E.K. Soloviev is post-graduate student e-mail: ; and V.E. Kovrigin is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. e-mail:
at Ural State University of Physical Culture
Revealed is contents of methodic of training in basic technical elements of basketball game, feature of which is the use of computer training program. Experimental methodic consisted of six interrelated phases with active application of new information technologies. Presented is structure of practical section of multimedia training program, which includes video, consisting of 50 video clips with sound and text accompaniment, dividing into five blocks, i.e. dribbling, catching the ball, throwing into the ring, movement and opposition movement in the defense. For the purpose of testing methodology, was organized forming pedagogical experiment. Also shown are results of introduction of the named methodic into educational process of students of Ural state university of physical culture in frames of the discipline of “Mobile and sport games (basketball)”.
Key words: basketball, game techniques, information technologies, experimental methodic.
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