N.L. Smakotina is D. Sc. in Sociology, prof., head of sub-faculty at Faculty of Global Processes by Lomonosov Moscow State University
Presented is sociological analysis of the problem of extremism in youth midst, taking into account environment and the influence of social economic conditions on formation of extremist attitudes in brain and behavior of young people. Revealed are basic characteristics of extremist minded young person. Shown are what the youth itself recognizes as extremism, and how young people interpret different forms of manifestation of such. Characterized are ideas of the youth about methods of preventive measures against extremism. Also the author substantiates assumption, that socio-cultural image of sizeable part of Russian youth contains both objective and subjective factors for development of aggressiveness and extremism, because of complex and contradictory conditions of social transformations. On the other hand, there are both possibility and necessity to counteract against above-mentioned manifestations by creating new socio-cultural environment, as well as by re-orienting mindsets and behavioral patterns of modern youth.
Key words: social transformations, youth, youth midst, extremism, forms of manifestation of extremism.
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- Strategy of counteraction against extremism in the Russian Federation upto the year of 2025. Adopted 28.11.2014.
- Fundamentals of state youth policy of the RF up to the year of 2025. Adopted 29.11.2014.
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