Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Practice of training young volunteers social skills

A.Z. Alieva
80,00 ₽

Aynur Z. Alieva, Doctoral student at the Department of Philosophy and Social Work, Nakhchivan State University, Nakhchivan City, Azerbaijan, e-mail:

The article examines one of the directions of the formation of civil society — the preparation of the young generation to manage public affairs through the system of volunteering. The analysis of theoretical studies of the volunteer movement, its history and practice, international experience, and peculiarities of organization of the volunteer movement in Azerbaijan has been carried out. The features of the relationship between the work of volunteers in social service organizations and the formation of their professional and socio-psychological qualities, including those related to social skills, were revealed. The peculiarities of preparing young people for volunteering, taking into account the legal framework in this area of activity and accumulated experience, by individual organizations, for example, ASAN xidmət, DOST and others. The model of cooperation of separate organizations and institutions — universities, state agencies, international organizations in the sphere of training of professional staff through volunteer movement of youth is considered. The leading social skills that determine the personal qualities of volunteers, their organizational capabilities and motivation for future development as a specialist and an active member of society have been identified.

Keywords: volunteer movement, knowledge, skills and abilities in social work, experience of youth volunteering, career growth



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