UDC 378.4
I.A. Ruban is general director; and N.V. Ivanova is project manager in LLC “Verkont Service” e-mail: monitor@vercont.ru
Presented is analytical description of principal results of activity of leading Russian universities in the year of 2017, obtained within the framework of the project “Expert and analytical support of activities of the Russian Federation state program “Development of education” for the years of 2013–2020, aimed at support of development programs of leading Russian universities», executed on state contract of the Ministry of education and science of the RF. The research is based on methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction (induction), mutual evaluation, and material presentation (problematic, contextual) and others. The novelty of the research consists in possibility to systematize, comprehensively analyze and present principal main results of activity of leading Russian universities network.
Key words: leading university, federal university, national research university, university with special status, activity results, development program.
1. FZ “About education in the Russian Federation”. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_140174/
2. Order by the government of the RF “On approval of the program of development of FGOU VO “Moscow state university n.a. M.V. Lomonosov” up to the year 2020. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/cons/cgi?req=doc:base=EXP;n=721097#04055940032462835
3. Order by the government of the RF. URL: http://ips.pravo.gov.ru/?docbody=&prevDoc=102125730&backlink=1&nd=102141984