Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Study of the relationship between students’ systems thinking and time perspective

A.I. Artyukhov, E.V. Eliseeva, S.V. Chispiyakov, M.M. Sorokina, E.V. Tasoeva
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Andrey I. Artyukhov, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Assistant Professor, I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University, Bryansk, e-mail:

Elena V. Eliseeva*, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Professor, I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University, Bryansk, e-mail:

Sergey V. Chispiyakov, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Assistant Professor, I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University, Bryansk, e-mail:

Marina M. Sorokina, Dr. Sci. (Physics&Mathematics), Professor, I.G. Petrovsky, Bryansk State University, Bryansk, e-mail:

Ekaterina V. Tasoeva, Senior lecturer, I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University, Bryansk, e-mail:


At the present stage of development of society, a holistic perception of the picture of the world, the ability to comprehensively consider the information received, analyze issues related to various fields of science and practice, and the possession of a systematic style of thinking when solving problems are important aspects for a scientist and specialist. Therefore, the problem of developing the systems thinking of a student, as a future specialist, with a different time perspective is very relevant. In the present study, experimental methods were used to determine the level of development of systems thinking and the time perspective of respondents, who were students of Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky. The results of calculating the Kruskal-Wallis criterion confirmed the hypothesis put forward in the study that there is a connection between the level of development of an individual’s systemic thinking and his time perspective. The scientific novelty of the presented work lies in a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of ‘systems thinking’ of students with different time perspectives, the results of which can form the basis of a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of systems thinking of future specialists.

Keywords: systems thinking, thinking style, complex analogies, time perspective, self-organization of activities



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