Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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“Open University”: Conceptualization and Schematization of University 3.0 from the perspective of a System-Thinking-Activity (STA) approach (Part 2)

Aleksandr A. Yurganov, Olesya V. Svistun, Yulia V. Pidshmorga
80,00 ₽

UDC 378:1

DOI 10.20339/AM.03-24.028


Alexander A. Yurganov, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Pedagogy; lin-trainer at the training center “Factory of Processes”, Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, e-mail: , 

Olesya V. Svistun, Assistant of Department of outpatient therapy with a course of general medical education (family medicine) of the Faculty of Education and Teaching, head of the Center for Lean Technologies, of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, e-mail: ,

Yulia V. Pidshmorga, PhD (Cultural Studies), Assistant of Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Pedagogy; lin-coach at the training center “Factory of Processes”, e-mail: ,


The point is that after the destruction of the classical university, the essentially ‘closed’ ‘University of Excellence’ of B. Ridings took its place almost everywhere. The question is, what should replace it? Our task is to grasp schematically and conceptually the essence of University 3.0 as a real, in our opinion, alternative to the “closed” University of Excellence. To do this, we will rely on a System-Thinking-Activity approach (SMD-approach). Our leading hypothesis is that University 3.0 cannot be understood exclusively as an ‘Entrepreneurial University’ by B. Clark, where an environment has been created for the introduction of scientific innovations into life, but at the same time the idea of ‘autonomy of thinking’ as inherently non-utilitarian, the idea of Culture as the basis for nurturing the Personality of a person who, thanks to this should be ‘raised to the level of his time’ (Ortega-y-Gasset). It is Culture at the university that should become a meeting place for Science and Technology, Research and Business, and the university itself should become a means of cultural transformation (A. Auzan). And the questions are, what exactly does that mean? How exactly to achieve this? In this paper, we have tried to outline a general conceptual space for answering these questions, using a set of concepts and schemes of the System-Thinking-Activity methodology (SMD-methodology). The second part summarizes the findings of the study.

Keywords: University 3.0, university of culture, System-Thinking-Activity methodology, university of soviets, leading university




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