Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Databases of scientific citation as a factor of destruction of science in Russia and in the World

L.B. Erstein

UDC 001.89


Leonid B. Erstein, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines, Glazov State Pedagogical Institute n.a. V.G. Korolenko, Department of Information Technologies and Systems, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, e-mail:


In modern conditions, scientific activity is of particular importance for the development of society. In fact, the success of social development is determined by the level of science in a particular state. One of the most important components of research is their presentation in scientific journals, which are indexed in scientific citation databases. A situation has arisen in which the indexing database of the journal has become almost more important than the content and results of the article published in it. This situation leads to the destruction of science both in Russia and around the world. This statement, of course, requires its own special proof and justification. Based on empirical analysis, it is shown that there are articles in the journals WoS and Scopus with obviously dubious and false scientific results. Historical analysis has shown that these databases are profit-oriented commercial enterprises relying on the resources of the world's leading publishing houses, which led to their success in the competitive struggle. Theoretical analysis has shown that these tools focus primarily on the number of journals and publications, and, consequently, the quality of their scientific articles is questionable. Researchers, instead of free scientific creativity, look back at publication in journals included in WoS and Scopus. National science ceases to exist — the advantages are not obtained by researchers with the best results, but with foreign language proficiency. Scientific work is replaced by competition for the number of publications in journals presented in these databases. The current situation leads to the actual destruction of science in Russia and in the world, since it is primarily a free search for truth, and not competition for social results expressed in publications in journals indexed by commercial enterprises.

Key words: databases of scientific citation, WoS and Scopus, list of HAC, development of science, scientific results.



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