Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Training of cadres in postgraduate study in evaluation of graduates

A.S. Kelsina, S.Yu. Egorikhina
80,00 ₽

A.S. Kelsina is director of post-graduate studies e-mail:;

 and S.Yu. Egorikhina is junior researchers e-mail:

 atVologda Scientific Center of RAS


Analyzed is one of main aims of the postgraduate study, i.e. supply by academic staff the sphere of science and education. Noted is, that in the last decade condition of the system of reproduction of academic staff in Russia characterized is by negative tendencies which affect both regional level and the level of concrete organization. For increasing of efficiency of programs of training of postgraduate students, necessary is to introduce actively the quality system, part of which includes questionnaire participants of educational process. Presented is experience of Vologda scientific center of RAS, where such surveys are conducted on constant basis. In the article analyzed are results of questionnaire of postgraduates, as to satisfaction of students by working conditions over their dissertation researches, the organization of educational activity, organization of educational activity, material technical resource base, psychological climate and non-learning actions.

Key words: post-graduate study, questionnaire, assessment of quality and conditions of training of postgraduate students.



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