М.А. Kurilovich is cand. of Psychology, at Russian State Social University, Branch in the city of Minsk
Analyzed is the problem of dialog in educational process of high school. Dialog, primordial understood as universal space of high school education, is gradually acquiring new sense nowadays. It resulted in cognition of the fact, that dialog space presents itself as the field of human resource. The author characterizes the meaning of “dialog interaction in educational process of high school”. Noted is, that in educational process of high school the dialog opens opportunity to determine human resource, widen it’s boundaries, integrate in accordance with formulated task and through actualization of new senses of life activity new realities of educational process. As to education, the dialog could become not only the best form of translation of knowledge, but also the very method for existence of traditions and paradigms. Besides, presented is the model of dialog interaction in educational process at high school.
Key words: dialog, dialog interaction, model of dialog interaction, pedagogical process, educational space.
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