S.A. Mikheev is senior lecturer at Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering e-mail:
Analyzed are ways to improve efficiency of training bachelors on the basis of developed by the author methodology of five step form of control. The article considers in detail various aspects of modern testology: types of test questions, innovative forms of test tasks, and adaptive testing. Features of verification of various levels of knowledge by computer testing are shown, and problems of evaluation of execution of test tasks are also described. In detail described are problems, arising during introduction of new forms of testing into pedagogical process, as well as ways of their solution are shown. In concluding part of the work summarized are results, and also conclusion is made about necessity of further betterment of five step form of control as tool to improve quality of training bachelors under conditions of introduction of new educational standards.
Key words: five step form of control, testing, pedagogical control, pedagogical process, adaptive testing, educational standards, testology, computer-based approach, competence innovative forms of test tasks.
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