G.V. Kolodeznaya e-mail:
and N.G. Osipova are both Cand.Sci. (Physic & Mathematic) e-mail:
at Far Eastern State Railway Communications University
Discussed is the problem of implementing effective contract into educational process of institution of higher education. In that connection, chatacterized are general requirenments to effective contract, and also outlined is specific of realization of such, basing of example of a number of higher educational institutions. On the base of statistical materials, analyzed is dynamic of realization of effective contract on it’s concrete realization at Far Eastern state university of railway communications. As to this aim, presented is the analysis of statistic of number of dismissed students from diffent cources of studying and their EGE balls by entering the high school. The author’s conclusion is made about necessity of reconing of the creteria of conservation of students’ contingent of high school as one of important in the process of realization of effective contract in educational activity of higher educational institution.
Key words: effective contract, student, dismission, conservation of students’ contingent, intrested, EGE balls.
- URL:
- Order DBGUPS No. 004, from 11.01.2016 “On conducting of experimental use of the system of motivation of labor of staff of PPS of the university”.