Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Professional training of engineering personnel under conditions of industrial policy of Russia

T.Yu. Pasheeva, T.I. Radionovskaya
80,00 ₽   


T.Yu. Pasheeva is Cand.Sci. (Engineering), doc. e-mail:;

and T.I. Radionovskaya is head of training educational workshops


at Murmansk State Technical University


Elaborated is the theme of technological modernization of Russia in the context of development and improvement of the system of training specialists in technical direction. The level of training of engineers must meet current challenges and objectives, as well as must be adequate with development of technical armaments of production capacities. Quality of engineering education depends not only on training in educational programs, equipment of educational material facilities, but also on the level of training of lecturing cadres at technical universities. Practically oriented training, as well as applying of fundamental knowledge on concrete enterprise open possibility to train such engineers, which have abilities to exploit both Russian and foreign equipment and to operate new equipment, and also to carry out scientific research activities. The article also presents monitoring of evaluation of professional training of engineers at Murmansk state technical university.

Key words: quality, engineering education, science, specialist, lecturer, production, industrialization.



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