UDC 316+354
Mikhail S. Lashchenov, Cand. Sci (Sociology), Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, e-mail: laschenov.m@yandex.ru
Modern realities of the information society actualize the problem of sociological support for the activities of Internal affairs bodies, since they oblige the latter to pay maximum attention to the issues of searching, analyzing and using various, including sociological, information, which today has turned from an auxiliary tool into the main component of the organization’s activities. As for representatives of other areas of government regulation, the objective field of activity of heads of internal affairs bodies includes a huge number of social aspects that require continuous study and analysis. Moreover, the specificity of the sphere of regulation of internal affairs is determined primarily by its social context, which requires, in most cases, sociological tools corresponding to it. Under these conditions, ignoring or reducing the importance of the role of sociological knowledge deprives the possibility of high-quality information and analytical support for management activities, which is the key to an effective solution to a huge range of emerging law enforcement problems.
The article analyzes current trends in sociological support for the activities of internal affairs bodies and its current problematic state, mainly from the position of production in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Keywords: sociological information, sociological research, management decision-making, sociological support of activities, internal affairs bodies, effectiveness of the activities of internal affairs bodies.
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