UDC 122/129
Mzia J. Kuparashvili, Dr. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, sub-faculty of Philosophy at Omsk State University n.a. F.M. Dostoevsky e-mail: kuparashvili@rambler.ru
This more than cursory analysis of the concept of “freedom” is an attempt not only to capture the actual ways of reading and interpretation, but also to justify the need to disclose its content in words understandable to a contemporary. Freedom as a purely human event, closely connected with spiritual and moral consciousness, prescribes self-sufficiency and the absence of coercion in actions and thoughts to the individual. The realization of the principle of self-restraint through free will reveals the God-natural essence of man. The article cannot claim to be complete in fixing the aspects of relevance and depth of analysis of the stated directions. What is important is that rethinking the philosophical meaning of freedom is a requirement of the day. Old truths require rediscovery. In other words, the previous ways of assigning this, of course, basic value to society in modern reality are in an inoperative state. Consequently, new ways of analyzing and substantiating the content of the concept, new language formulations are required, since the understanding of the sacred meaning of freedom is secretly hidden by the eternal value of a person.
Keywords: Freedom of will and choice, freedom and consciousness, self-restraint, sovereignty of thought, responsibility, godlikeness, sin, righteousness, the Law of Moses, grace.
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2. Aristotle. Politics. In: Aristotle. Works in 4 vols. V. 4. Moscow: Mysl, 1984. P. 376–643.
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7. Hegel, G.W.F. Philosophy of Spirit. Part Three. In: Hegel, G.W.F. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. V. 3. Moscow: Mysl, 1977. 470 p.
8. Hegel, G.W.F. Science of Logic. In: Hegel, G.W.F. Encyclopedia of Philo-philosophical Sciences. V. 1. Moscow: Mysl, 1975. 433 p.
9. Bible.
10. Florensky, P. The Pillar and Ground of the Truth. Moscow: Pravda, 1990, 837 p.
11. Berdyaev, N. The Meaning of History. Moscow: Mysl, 1991 173 p.
12. Zenkovsky, V. History of Russian Philosophy. Moscow: Academic Project; Raritet, 2001. 878 p.
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