Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


International relations in high school of Central Russia (the case of Yaroslavl region)

S.A. Baburkin, S.L. Talanov
80,00 ₽


S.A. Baburkin is Dr.Sci. (Politology), prof. e-mail: ; and S.L. Talanov is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc. e-mail:

 at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University n.a. K.D. Ushinsky


Discussed is the state of inter-ethnical relations in universities of Central Russia (on materials from Yaroslavl region). Stated is, that majority of students are tolerant towards representatives of other ethnic and religious groups, but some of such are characterized by strategy of “forced tolerance”. Also disclosed are gender and ethno-religious peculiarities in interaction with representatives of other nations and faith beliefs. In particular, noted is that young female students are characterized as more tolerant, than their counterparts of male students. Conclusion is made, that studies at university could positively influence on inter-ethnical relations. Also proposed are some measures, directed on prevention of inter-national conflicts and developing of positive relationships in students midst.

Key words: inter-national relationships, prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts, universities, poly-cultural educational environment, extremism, ethnic pluralism.



1. Talanov, S.L., Volkova, A.M. Antisocial behavior of students: sociological research. Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly), 2015, no. 8, pp. 23–28.