Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


L. Karpushina, L. Babushkina. Socialization of Student's Youth During the Ehno–Cultural Preparation in High Schools

Л.П. Карпушина, Л.Е. Бабушкина
L. Karpushina,
Ph.D. in Pedagogics
The Associate Professor
Doctoral Candidate of Department of Pedagogy
L. Babushkina,
Ph.D. student
Department of Pedagogy
Mordivian State Institute of Pedagogy after M.E. Evseev

The article makes relevant the problem of socialization of student's youth during ethno–cultural preparation in high schools, describes certain ways of formation of ethno–socio–cultural competence, gives the treatment of concept of ethno–socio–cultural competence, makes the conclusion about the importance of formation of readiness and ability to interethnic and intercultural dialogue and cooperation.

Keywords: socialization of student's youth, ethno–cultural preparation, ethno–socio–cultural competence, readiness and ability to interethnic and intercultural dialogue and cooperation


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