Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


S.D. Nikolaev, I.M. Gavrilova, A.V. Zaitsev. Organizing of innovation strategy for educational institution’s development

С.Д. Николаев, П.М. Гаврилова, А.В. Зайцев
Sergey M. Nikolaev
Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
Professor  Head of Institution
Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation
Laureate of the Russian President’s prize in the field of education
and  of the Russian Government's prize in the field of science and technology
Irina M. Gavrilova,
PhD in Economics, vice-rector
А.V. Zaycev,
PhD in Engineering Sciences
Head of analytical laboratory
Moscow State Textile University 'A.N. Kosygin'
Modern conditions of educational institutions’ development are described. Present day development of higher education is characterized by enlisting of sizeable human, financial and material resources. Modern educational institutions go into principally new phase of their development. First of all, it relates to selection of strategic objects as well as of means to obtain them. The problem of high school’s competitiveness may be solved by forming and making good use of intellectual capital as well as by integrating innovation strategies of high school and enterprises. Directions of high school’s innovation development to form a strategy are also defined.
Key words: competitiveness, educational institution, strategic objects, innovations, innovation strategy, innovation directions, forming of a strategy, the knowledge economy


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