Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The image of the future of Russia in the publications of the ruling elite and the systemic opposition

M.S. Kozyrev

UDC 314/316+329


Maxim S. Kozyrev, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor at Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1643-3391; Researcher ID: 57188625469 e-mail:


The purpose of the article is to analyze the images of the future in Russia described in the publications of representatives of the ruling elite and the systemic opposition. The results of the analysis became the basis for determining the characteristics of the social status of these groups. Methodologically, the work is based on the assertion that a certain social position corresponds to certain points of view and a type of thinking. Significant metamorphosis of the latter is possible only together with a change in social status. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the ruling elite is conservative and the current social order in which it occupies a privileged position suits it. Such intentions lead to a deformation of consciousness, which is characterized by a predominance of synthetic and a deficit of analytical thinking. The systemic opposition consists of professional politicians who have occupied their own special niches and are striving to expand them. The images of the future of the systemic opposition either reproduce the present or repeat the past with some amendments and reservations. The counter-elite demonstrates deformations of thinking similar to those of the elite groups. Neither the ruling elite nor the systemic opposition offer any fundamentally different image of Russia’s future. Their ideological projects are a continuation of the present and, in part, a remembrance of the past.

Keywords: image of the future, ideology, ruling elite, systemic opposition, document analysis.



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