Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The body’s information system. Biology, artificial intelligence and philosophy

A.V. Marasanov

UDC 611/612:1:004

Aleksandr V. Marasanov, Cand. Sci. (Biology), Eurasian Association of medical and ecological technologies (Moscow, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0000-0003-1460-9645, e-mail:


An approach to the construction of artificial intelligence based on phenomenology, which defines its task as an unconditional description of the experience of knowing consciousness and the identification of essential features in it, as well as on the basis of the model of the information system of the body, the theory of functional systems P.K. Anokhin, a new theory of semantic information. The mechanism by which the architecture of consciousness ontologically transforms the current sensory data into the objective world is revealed. The meaning of the life of the organism is revealed. An analytical definition of meaning in intentional acts is substantiated and presented.

The knowledge of the features of the activity of the human body made it possible to present in the work a biological interpretation of the main philosophical categories (being, essence, being), the terms of M. Heidegger.

Based on the proposed approach, having information about the norms of activity and the objective state of the functional systems of the body, the doctor can assess the reserves of the body, identify the cause-and-effect relationships of the disease based on the rules of interaction of the nerve centers of the brain, and use the database of preventive recommendations. The description of the information processes on which our cognitive processes are based makes it possible to constructively use the body model for personalized disclosure of the possibilities of the world, improving the quality of everyday life and health protection through informing the subject about the individual patterns of his body’s vital activity and the fundamental rationale for an individual plan of preventive measures developed for him, including lifestyle modification.

Keywords: intellect, organism, model, activity, norm, stress, meaning, measure, health.



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