Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Theoretical aspect of child abuse treatment in the format of domestic humanistic developmental psychology and child psychoanalysis

E.V. Pchelintseva
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UDC 37.01:37.04     


Evgenia V. Pchelintseva, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Department of Hospital Therapy at Ivanovo State Medical Academy, e-mail:


The modern stage of the educational practice of preschool education is characterized by changes in the use of effective technologies that actualize the problem of psychological and pedagogical support for children who have been subjected to violent actions by adults. A retrospective analysis of domestic, foreign, historical, pedagogical, psychological scientific research determines the priority of the technology of correction of the consequences of child abuse, the basis of which is the synthesis of child psychoanalysis and modern conceptual provisions of the national child psychology of development. The structure of the presented psychoanalytic technology includes diagnostic, correctional and developmental, control and evaluation modules, the content of which reveals the individual typological characteristics of the child, taking into account the sensory, unconscious manifestations of the psyche, internal emotional experiences that are the consequences of violence. The diagnostic module is presented by the method of projective tests, questionnaires that allow to identify the determinants of traumatic events, factors of unfavorable passage of a child of a particular age stage of mental development. The content of the correctional and developmental module, the implementation of which provides for the organization of the playing space by the child himself, with the facilitating participation of an adult, is carried out using the following methods: playing cooperation of an adult with a child, communicative drawing, a co-lived event in a director’s game. The control and evaluation module is presented with a description of the evaluation drawing techniques that allow determining the dynamics of mental well-being of the individual. The presented technological correction tools are the most important components of the professional activity of child psychologists and teachers in working with children survivors of adult violence.

Keywords: child psychoanalysis, correction, consequences of violent actions, director’s play, child psychotrauma, psychoanalytic technology.



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