Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Developing student self-realization through foreign language disciplines in technical universities

O.N. Khan
80,00 ₽

UDC 37.09:811.111

O.N. Khan is Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof., Ass. Prof. at Department of Foreign languages and intercultural communications at Ural State University of Railway Transport е-mail:


Researched is the problem of creating conditions for self-realization in the course of studying language disciplines at the initial stage of training in a technical university. The study is based on the views of representatives of humanistic psychology and domestic teachers and psychologists, who regard self-realization as the highest stage in personality development, which predetermines its orientation and meaning of life. The article emphasizes the special capabilities of language disciplines in the formation of the process of self-realization, allowing you to learn to express your own position and results of activity in verbal form. The most important conditions for self-realization are highlighted as goal-setting and reflection at all stages of educational activity; turning it into a joint activity of both sides of the cognition process; development of skills of self-assessment and acceptance of assessment by others; the right balance of personal and collective. The paper analyzes the features of lectures and practical classes in creating opportunities for self-realization. The author comes to the conclusion that in the course of studying language disciplines, meaningful, organizational and methodological conditions are created for the implementation of self-realization at the subsequent stages of education and professional activity.

Key words: self-realization, personality development, learning, cognitive activity, joint activities, goal-setting, reflection, feedback, communication, self-esteem.


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