Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


O.A. Kozyreva. Theoretical and methodological approaches to elaboration of the concept of inclusive education. P. 11-17



O.A. Kozyreva is cand. of Pedagogy,

doc. at V.P. Astafiev’s Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University


Presented are theoretical methodological approaches to elaboration of the concept of inclusive education, the right to which is enshrined and guaranteed by Constitution of the RF and other normative legal acts. Realization of the right to education is prerequisite for successful socialization of a person. Receiving of quality education is guarantee of further employment, participation in social and political life, realization of personal, economic and other rights. In connection of this, given is the author’s definition of inclusive education, as well as elaboration of methodology of such with showing up of index of inclusion. Characterized is inclusive educational environment, as well as elaborated is approach to study of necessity in education of children with health disabilities. Build is structure of the model of organization of inclusive education of children with health disabilities under conditions of school of general education.

Key words: inclusive education, children with health disabilities, concept of inclusive education.


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