Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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A.M. Atoev. Aesthetic category of beauty in “Shahnameh” of Abukasim Firdawsi. P.97-101



A.M. Atoev is cand. of Philosophy, doc. at B. Gafurov’s Khudjand State University, Tajikistan


Analyzed is aesthetic category of beauty in the work “Shahnameh” by Abukasim Firdawsi. Presented is analysis of interpretation of varied images art philosophical images of “Shahnameh”. Naturally, many aesthetic categories as to eastern Middle Ages were then not differentiated with ethic categories, what reflected were in the notion of beauty, that was presented in many circumstances of “Shahnameh”, reflecting as higher merit of morality. But philosophical rational orientations of Firdawsi open possibility to determine autonomous enough content interpretation of the category of beauty. Namely through description of beauty we would see not only historical epoch, describing by Firdawsi, but also his aesthetical norms, by that determined is, what the beauty means. Firdawsi creates excellent gallery of women’ standard of what the beauty might be, but on condition that beauty might without fail be supplemented by necessary internal qualities.

Key words: aesthetic parameters, cosmic order, beauty, criteria of reflecting reality, well-being. 


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7.    Chernishevsky, N.G. Complete works. — Vol. XII. — M., 1949.