Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Group work in training of high school students

N.A. Markova, D.A. Markov

N.A. Markova is senior methodologist of sub-faculty “Economics & Finance”


D.A. Markov is cand. of Economics, doc.


Perm National Research Polytechnic University 

Carried out is comparative analysis of individual and group methods in the process of training at higher educational institution. Corresponding work was conducting in control and experimental groups. The authors conducted test as to effectiveness of appointed work. Comparative evaluation shows differences between attitude of student’s execution of task control and experimental groups. Obtained results give evidence about efficiency of using of group form of work. Substantiated is positive attitude of students towards that form of work (aim of research). Besides, on the basis of results of questionnaire it acknowledge receipt of the authors hypothesis that group project form of work is conductive to developing of skills of using information technologies, as well as independently reveal the problem with implementing of it’s evaluation.

Key words: educational breeding process, high school’s pedagogics, independent work of students, individual control work, group project work, problem education. 


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