Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Pedagogical contradictions of the process of modernization of higher education

N.F. Golovanova


N.F. Golovanova is doct. in Pedagogy, prof. at

Saint-Petersburg State University


Presented is the author’s reflection about controversial phenomena in practice of solving tasks on modernization of higher professional education in Russia during it’s transition to three-leveled organizational system. Analyzed is the Bolgna model of organization of higher education in Europe, and also comparisons are made of some first results of modernization of Russian higher education with samples of European model. Special attention of the author is paid to the meaning of value-content component of the process of higher education. Made is the author’s conclusion, that solving of tasks of modernization of higher professional education of Russia by means of blind imitation to the West is counter-productive, because that way is fraught with assimilation into European educational space with simultaneous loss of national cultural codes and values.

Key words:  education, bachelorship, mastership, post-graduate study, competencies, breeding, pedagogical contradictions.