Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Mark and rating evaluation of students’ progress while studying humanitarian disciplines

M.S. Kudryavtsev


M.S. Kudryavtsev is cand. of History, doc. at Institute of food technologies and design by Nizhny Novgorod Engineering and Economic University


Analyzed is existing mark and rating systems of evaluation of work of students, revealed are their positive and negative sides. Peculiarities of humanitarian disciplines are considered, and requirements to mark and rating system of assessment with their account are defined. Presented is the author’s system of a mark and rating assessment, considering all types of student’s works, quality of their execution, behavior of student on training hours. Also analyzed is concrete experience of it’s application by the author. The author’s conclusion is made, that application of the named system shows it’s practical effectiveness. The system demonstrates it’s understanding and acceptance by students, facilitates their interest to training hours, in particular in new interactive forms, and also demonstrates meaningful lowering of working load during exams.

Key words: mark and rating system of evaluation, humanitarian disciplines, innovative methodic, fund of means of evaluation, experience in educational training work. 


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