Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Psycho-pedagogical portrait of Saint Petersburg high school graduates: functional literacy and readiness for further continuing of education and professional career

M.D. Matyushkina, K.Yu. Belousov

M.D. Matyushkina is doct. in Pedagogy, doc., head of sub-faculty


K.Yu. Belousov is cand. of Sociology, doc.


S.-Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education


       Presented and analyzed are results of sociological research, carried by the authors among school graduates of the city of Saint Petersburg in the year of 2014. In detail described are both level of functional literacy of school graduates and their attitude towards school as well as teachers. Also presented is the analysis of educational strategies and the process of breeding of professional identity at schools. Based on results of the research, the authors made some conclusions, opening opportunity for opinions as to self-appraisal by graduates of their functional literacy, giving ideas about how far in graduates are formed some meta-subject results, as well as about level of communicative literacy, as to psychological readiness to social communication, level of volitional qualities, level of project skills and know-how for planning of organization of both personal and command activity.

       Key words: graduates, functional literacy, educational strategies, professional self-identification.



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