Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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State final attestation of post-graduate: from formality to preventiveness

V.M. Anikin, B.N. Poizner


V.M. Anikin is D. Sc. (Math. & Phys.), prof., dean of physical faculty at

Saratov State University


B.N. Poizner is Ph.D., prof. of radio-physical faculty at Tomsk State University



Analyzed is the problem of final attestation at post-graduate study, providing for defense of final scientific qualification research work. Analyzing nowadays practice of standard procedure of final attestation at post-graduate study, the authors raise the question as to form and content of the named procedure. Answering the question, the authors made a conclusion about necessity and topical character of improvement in content filling of technology of state final attestation of post-graduate student. Formulated is basic aim of proposed improvement. Namely, proposed is that in the process of defense by post-graduates of final qualification scientific work ought to be evaluated their universal talent for independent creative activity as key competence. Formulated are questions, making for the success of reflection of post-graduates over their scientific creativity. Also presented is concrete experience of approbation of new practice at both Saratov and Tomsk state universities.

Key words: creative activity, mental function of post-graduate, dual role-playing game.




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