Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Social general state of teachers on background of modernization changes in Russian education

M.A. Golovchin

M.A. Golovchin is cand. of Economics, researcher at

Institute of Socio-economic Development of territories of RAN


       Presented is detailed analysis of social economical state of personnel of comprehensive schools, i.e. one of the most vulnerable social and professional categories of population, susceptible to consequences of economic and social crises. The article presents some results of monitoring as to social status and ma-terial well-being of pedagogues of schools in the region of Vologda. The author presents methodic for calculating indexes, based on which presented is general characteristic of social general state of representatives of teachers’ profession. Also examined is specificity of manifestation of various aspects of social state of teachers with different length of service. On the base of the research, conclusions are made about recommendations as to involvement of young teachers into or-ganization and management activities with participation of governing authori-ties, public non-commercial organizations and pedagogical universities.

       Key words: education, reform, pedagogue, social general state, payment of labor, social attitude, reserve of patience, sociological questionnaire. 


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