Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Training of teaching staff at medical high school in mastering of communicative skills

E.Yu. Vasilyeva, T.V. Tagaeva

 E.Yu. Vasilyeva is doct in pedagogy, doc., head of sub-faculty



T.V. Tagaeva is lecturer, organizer of professional practice


Northern State Medical University


       Substantiated is actuality of the problem of training of teaching staff of medical high school in communicative skill. Presented is theoretical description of the program of training in communicative skills at higher medical institution. Detailed are axiological, practice-oriented and reflexive principles of the process of it’s implementation. Determined are basic pedagogical conditions, necessary for guaranteeing development of communicative culture of teacher in educational environment. In detail described is the program of “Communicative skills”, realizing by sub-faculty of pedagogy & psychology at Northern State Medical University. Also analyzed are concrete results of realization of the program of development of teachers’ communicative competence on prescribed criteria after completion of the program of education at the named university.

       Key words: communicative skills, communicative competence, training, program of training, teachers, medical school, students.



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