Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


T.Yu. Skamyanova. Self-study educational work of students disposed to overstrain, due to intensive intellectual loadings. P.39-44



T.Yu. Skamyanova is cand. of Engineering, doc.

at Perm National Research Polytechnic University


          Analyzed are articles of FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”, based on which are being detached persons with special educational needs from the total number of enrolled students. Nowadays there exist the problem of preserving contingent of such students. FZ requires organizations of HPO to create special conditions for students with special educational needs, in connection with what the article suggests during organization of educational pedagogic process as to such students to lean on a number of educational technologies, i.e. technology of multi-level learning, contextual learning technology, technology of learning through educational training. Also elaborated is important problem of maintaining health of such students, it is required by legislation act, which could be solved by the way of realization of pedagogical process with support of health-preserving approach.

          Key words: act on education, students, special educational needs, pedagogical technologies, inclusive approaches. 


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