Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Formation of the organ of intelligence as the task of educational process in noosphere paradigm of education

O.A. Shabanov


O.A. Shabanov is cand. of Pedagogy, doc., head of sub-faculty

at M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University


          Highlighted is the problem of the search of true object of pedagogics, based on example of the analysis of competency model from position of bio-sociological pedagogics. Competence approach is considered in the article from position of evolutionary formation of bio-social unity of person and breeding in him through his life of the organ of intelligence. This idea serves as condition of analysis and projecting of educational systems and processes. Namely because of that, examining of competence paradigm of education in world educational space makes arrangement of the problem of comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in theoretical interpretation quite topical. Also the article examines two processes, i.e. formation of organ of intelligence and socio-genome. The author’s conclusion is made about that noo-sphere paradigm of education is targeted as it’s aim on building of society of intelligence.

          Key words: body of intelligence, socio-genome, educational society, society of intelligence, social harmonization, noo-sphere thinking, biosocial pedagogics. 


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