Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Applied orientation of mathematical course as means of forming of profes-sional competence of future specialist

O.V. Mishenina, E.A. Oshepkova

O.V. Mishenina is Ph.D., prof., at Peter the Great’s Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces


E.A. Oshepkova is teacher of separate discipline (mathematics, computer science, and ITT) at Ussuriisk Cadet Military School

Discussed is the problem of realization of applied orientation of mathematical course as the most significant means of formation of professional competence of the future expert. Identified is the main purpose of training course in higher mathematics of future expert in engineering and technical specialties of high school, giving him knowledge system needed for successful career. Described is expediency of the use of practice-oriented problems in teaching of mathematics to engineering and technical specialties at high school. Under the practical-oriented problems the authors understood the problem, due to practical necessity. Solving problems with the practical content is reviewed from perspective of means of implementing inter-disciplinary connections. Shown is importance of implementation in the process of learning practical-oriented problems (often called application tasks or tasks of inter-disciplinary nature) for the process of education for raising of sustainable interest in the subject, instilling universal labor practices of planning and rationalization of students, formation of professional competence of the future expert.

Key words: applied orientation, practice-oriented problem, inter-subject connections, professional competence.


  1. [URL]:
  1. Shapiro, I.M. Using of tasks with practical content in the process of training in mathematics. — M., 1990.