Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Research on informational support of the process of lobbying in EU countries

S.N. Bolshakov, A.P. Shikhverdiev, Yu.M. Bolshakova

S.N. Bolshakov is doct. in Economics and doct. in Politics, prof., head of sub-faculty at Saint Petersburg State University


A.P. Shikhverdiev is doct. in Economics, prof., head of sub-faculty at Syktyvkar State University

 Yu.M. Bolshakova is cand. of Politics, doc. at Komi Republican Academy of State Service and Administration

Analyzed is the phenomenon of lobbying as form of political communications of public authorities, business and socio-political actors. On the basis of evaluation of results of sociological questionnaire presented is generalized picture of informational support of lobbying in European political landscape, and also disclosed is specifics of using of information resource by lobbyists at both national and supranational level in countries of European Union. Analyzed are data of sociological research as to impact of information on effectiveness of management decision-making by lobbyists of the EU, as well as use of modern information resources by leading lobbyists, i.e politicians, experts and representatives of parliamentary corps. Conclusion is made by the authors as to possibilities of using of lobbying in political process.

Key words: lobbying, political process, power, informational resources, communications, state governance, interests.


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