Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Traditional and engineering systems for accounting, control and management of high school

V.I. Tkach, V.S. Tkach

V.I. Tkach is doct. in Economics, prof., head of sub-faculty; and

V.S. Tkach is post-graduate student at

Rostov State Building University


Presented is analysis of traditional system and innovative engineering system for accounting, control and management of higher educational institution. The authors pay attention to summing up results of management activity of high school. Analyzed are nowadays functioning systems for evaluation and summarizing of results of activities of university, in connection with such the authors’ conclusion is made about their insolvency. Substantiated is necessity of higher school transition onto engineering methods of accounting, control and management. Also proposed is proper classification, opening possibility of transition from subjective to objective reflections of results of high school’s activity. The authors suggest to evaluate activity of both higher school and university in accordance with indexes of alterations in intellectual capital and it’s components, i.e. structural, behavioristic and educational parts.

Key words: intellectual, structural, behavioristic, educational capital, brand of university.


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