Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Evolution of educational systems in the process of transition to new technological structure

K.L. Komarov, L.K. Komarova

K.L. Komarov is doct. in Engineering, prof.

L.K. Komarova is cand. of Pedagogy, doc.

Siberian State Transport University

Presented is analysis of the analogy of educational systems with dissipative structures in thermo-dynamics. Shown is that by I—IV technological structures in economics educational systems could be conventionally considered as established (closed), because they are orientated on some well-established mono-destinations in economy. During transition to V and VI technological structures educational systems are turning into open, operating far from equilibrium state, because boundaries between areas of knowledge are vanished. For development of economics needed is continuous movement in social space of ideas, technologies and people from universities into business, from business into state administration, from authorities into university. For training of cadres needed is new function of university as key point in formation of continuous interaction in the chain of university — industry — government. The article is provided with the example of using of such model in activity of Siberian state university of transport communications.

Key words: university, innovative economy, technological structure, dissipative systems, transport and logistics.


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