Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Institute of education and spiritual security of the youth: structural and functional analysis

G.A. Fomchenkova

G.А. Fomchenkova is cand. of Sociology, doc., head of sub-faculty at Military Academy of Field Air Defense of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, Smolensk

Substantiated is importance of the institute of education in ensuring safety of the youth, incl. spiritual, in structural and functional context. Presented are the author’s definitions of such scientific categories, as “security”, “spiritual security”, “safety of the youth”. Shown are problematic aspects, underlying in the base of safe integration of young generation in social structures of society, which might be solved by the institute of education, in particular such problems, as realization of socialization function of education, obtaining of quality knowledge, assimilation of prestigious professions, alienation of the youth from values of society, contributing to emergence of conflict amongst generations. The author’s conclusion is made, that main task of education is not accumulation of knowledge by young people, but their personal structuring, as result of new knowledge occupies certain niche in existing personal structure of knowledge. That’s the reason, why education is being considered as main intellectual channel for securing spiritual safety of the youth.

Key words: security, spiritual security, youth, youth safety, institute of education.


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