Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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S.А. Druzhilov. Psychological terror in reformation process of higher education



Druzhilov S. A.,
сand. sc. (psychology),
docent, the professor of faculty «Automated electric drive and industrial electronics», Siberian State University of Industry, Novokuznetsk
Reformation of higher education institutions aggravates social- and psychological situation at university’s sub-faculties, i.e. phenomena of mobbing. There are two sorts of mobbing: vertical line, or bossing when a boss terrorizes his subordinates, and horizontal one proceeding from colleagues. The author differentiates mobbing applied to a university’s sub-faculty and a person. Mobbing’s organizational and personal reasons are analysed, as well as it’s development prognosis and possible ways & means to stop it defined.
Key words: mobbing, psychological terror, bossing, destructive form of adaptation
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