Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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S.А. Druzhilov. Psychological terror in reformation process of higher education

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Druzhilov S. A.,
сand. sc. (psychology),
docent, the professor of faculty «Automated electric drive and industrial electronics», Siberian State University of Industry, Novokuznetsk
Reformation of higher education institutions aggravates social- and psychological situation at university’s sub-faculties, i.e. phenomena of mobbing. There are two sorts of mobbing: vertical line, or bossing when a boss terrorizes his subordinates, and horizontal one proceeding from colleagues. The author differentiates mobbing applied to a university’s sub-faculty and a person. Mobbing’s organizational and personal reasons are analysed, as well as it’s development prognosis and possible ways & means to stop it defined.
Key words: mobbing, psychological terror, bossing, destructive form of adaptation
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