Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Research in cognitive processes by children with disabilities in health. Influence of chess game on their development

V.V. Orlova, A.G. Nikolaeva


V. V. Orlova,
the doctor of sociological science, Professor of philosophy and sociology
of the Tomsk State University of control systems and Radioelectronics,
A.G. Nikolaeva,
Student humanitarian Faculty of
the Tomsk State University of control systems and Radioelectronics
Presented are results of research in cognitive processes by children with disabilities in health (hearing loss and mental retardation), as well as of chess game influence on their health. Shown is that chess game positively influences on development of intellectual operations (synthesis, analysis, visual figurative thinking, spatial thinking), that proves to be effective method of correction work with children of the named category.
Key words: cognitive processes, chess, correction work.
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