Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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On formation in students value-semantic competence on the basis of project training in chemistry

S.I. Gilmanshina, A.R. Kamasina


Suriya I. Gilmanshina
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Cand.Chem.Sci., Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Chemical Education
Aigul R. Kamasina
Competitor of the Department of Chemical Education
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, A.Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, Department of Chemical Education
Considered is the problem of formation in students, future teachers, value-semantic competencein the process of project training in chemistry. Examined are essence of the competence, it’s tasks, and pedagogical conditions of formation. Also some requirements for project training in chemistry are presented, as well as specifics of their application in order to forming of the competence. The authors analyzed obtained data using methods of mathematical statistics to prove conclusions of their experiment.
Key words: formation of value-semantic competence, project training ib chemistry
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