Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Experience in creativity meaning as humanitarian component of higher education

S.N. Sidorova, L.P. Samoilov
Svetlana N. Sidorova ,
сandidate of Pedagogical Science,
Associate Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Leonid P. Samoilov,
сandidate of Pedagogical Science,
Associate Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences,
VolzhskyPolytechnical Institute (branch of VSTU), Volzhsky.
            Shown is that in content of engineering educational training one of components of humanitarian “manifestations” of students is their gaining of experience in creativity transforming activities.
            Key words:creanivity meaning, hermeneutics, engineering educational training, creativity, situations of understanding
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