Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Ethic and humanistic model of parents’ breeding in pedagogical heritage of Russian educators in the second half of 18th century

L.A. Gritsay


L.A. Gritsay
PhD, associate professor
Correspondence Ryazan institute (branch) of
 Moscow State University of Culture and the Arts
Examined are basic priorities of so called parents’ breeding, presented in works of famous Russian educators and pedagogues from the second half of 18th century. i.e. N.I. Novikov, A.A. Prokopovitch-Antonsky, E.R. Dashkova, A.N. Radischtschev and A.F. Bestuzhev. Offered is prime analysis of pedagogical views of the named scientists, on which basis the author makea a conclusion of content and essence of ethic and humanistic models of parents’ breeding od children.
Key words: parents’ breeding, ethic and humanistic model, family oriented approach, pedagogical heritage of the 18th century
1. Bestuzhev, A. On education // Anthology of educational thought in Russia XVIII century. — M.: Education, 1985. — P. 410—448.
2. Dashkova, E. The meaning of the word “education” // Neutral lovers of Russian words. — Vol. II. — St. Petersburg, 1783. — P. 12—28.
3. Korotkov, M. Home schooled children of the nobility of the capital of the 18th century // Grapes. — 2008. — № 1 (21). — P. 88—93.
4. Novikov, N. On education and instruction of children // Adding to Moscow statements. — 1783. — № 2—94. — [URL]:
5. Pisarev, K. Patriotic philosophical and pedagogical thought of the 19th century: the role of family and social education in the formation of man // Psychological and pedagogical search. — 2010. — № 4. — P. 29-35.
6. Prokopovich-Antonsky, A. On education // Anthology of educational thought in Russia in 18th century. — M.: Education, 1985. — P. 348—364.
7. Radishchev, A. Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow. — M.?L., 1950. — 251 p.
8. Smagina, G. Princess E.R. Dashkova and education of young Russians. — [URL]: