Rementsov A.N.,
Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, MSARTU (MADI),
international relations pro-rector (vice-rector)
M.N. Kozhevnikova
Discussed is the use of nationally oriented approach in projecting of the system of education for foreigners in Russian universities.
The named approach presupposes differentiation of educational methods and means according to national contingent of students.
Key words: pedagogical model, training of foreign students, nationally oriented approach, preparatory university schooling
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6. Rementsov, A.N., Kremenetskaya, L.S. Formation of principles of content of training in Russian language of foreign students from CIS coutries at the stage of preparatory schooling // Alma mater (Vestnikvyssheishkoly). — 2012. — No. 6. — P. 55-58.
7. Rementsov, A.N., Kuznetsov, A.L., Kozhevnikova, M.N. Adaptation of foreign students at the stage of preparatory schooling: traditional and nationally oriented approaches // Alma mater (Vestnikvyssheishkoly) — 2013. — No. 3. — P. 63.
8. [URL]: