Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Interns and clinical students training at clinical laboratory diagnostic chair with the course of molecular medicine in acad. I.V. Pavlov’s SPbSMU

Yu.V. Emanuel, D.V. Cherednichenko, M.V. Kadinskaya, I.V. Birulya, V.L. Emanuel
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Candidate of Medical Sciences


Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor


Candidate of Medical V.L.Emanuel
Sciences, Associate Professor
Doctor of Medical Sciences,  Professor, Head of department



Clinical laboratory diagnosis chair with the course of molecular medicine

State budget educational institution of higher professional education

“Saint-Petersburg I.P.Pavlov State Medical University” Ministry of Health Care, Russian Federation


Discussed are problems in training interns and clinical students in speciality of “Clinical laboratory diagnostics”. Shown are six fundamental directions of complex training of interns and clinical students. Training in the chair makes provision for getting by inters (clinical students) skills in lecturing, as well as in preparing of lectures and presentations. Training of an intern (clinical student) presupposes not only his education, but also realization of some breeding work.

Key words: intern, clinical student, clinical laboratory diagnostics, education, chair.


1.      Federal Statute “On higher and post-graduate professional education”, No. 125-FZ, 22.08.1996 (red. 03.12.2011) // Rossiiskayagazetta. — 29.08.1996. — No. 164.

2.      Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, 1992, July 10th (red. 12.11.2012) // Rossiiskayagazetta. — 23.01.1996. — No. 13.

3.      Regulation of the Ministry of Health & Social Development of the RF “On establishing of Federal state requirements to the structure of basic professional educational program of post-graduate professional education (internature)”, December, the 5th, 2011, No. 1476n //Rossiiskayagazetta. — 30.12.2011. — No. 296. 

4.      Regulation of Minzdravsotsrazvitie of the RF “On establishing of the United Qualification Directory to appointments of heads, specialists and employees”// Rossiiskayagazetta. —27.09.2010. — No. 217.  

5.      Resolution of the RF’s Government “On establishing of Standard model of educational institution of higher professional education (institution of higher education)”, No. 71, 14.02.2008 // Collection of laws of the RF. — 25.02.2008. — No. 8.