D. V. Vasyov,
senior lecturer
Department of stage speech Perm
State Academy of art and culture
E-mail: vasevdima@mail.ru
Analyzed is fluent possession of Russian literary language as a request of state standard. Formation of professional competences by means of artistic reading gives students possibility to gain experience in literary contacts, improvement of professional and valuable qualities of a personality.
Key words: cultural environment, literary language, artistic reading, literary compositions, self-development of students.
1. Artobolevsky, G.V. Art reading. — M.: Education, 1978. — 240 p.
2. Vanovskaya, E.V. Literary composition and it’s installation on the amateur scene. — L.: LGIK Publ., 1989. — 79 p.
3. Vasev, D.V. Investigation in influence of reading culture on training and development of youth // Alma mater (Vestnil vysshei shkoly). — 2012. — No. 6. — P. 89—93.
4. Vinokur, T.G. Speaking and listening. — M.: Nauka, 1993. — 172 p.
5. Zakharova, K.F. Dialectal division of the Russian language. — M.: Editorial URSS Publ., 2004. — 176 p.
6. Scenic speech. The past and the present. — St. Petersburg: SPGATI Publ., 2009. — 440 p.
7. Scenic speech. — M.: GITIS Publ., 2002. — 405 p.