Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Artistic reading, or how to become skilled in nice reading

D. V. Vasyov


D. V. Vasyov,

senior lecturer

Department of stage speech Perm

State Academy of art and culture



Analyzed is fluent possession of Russian literary language as a request of state standard. Formation of professional competences by means of artistic reading gives students possibility to gain experience in literary contacts, improvement of professional and valuable qualities of a personality.

Key words: cultural environment, literary language, artistic reading, literary compositions, self-development of students.



1. Artobolevsky, G.V. Art reading. — M.: Education, 1978. — 240 p.

2. Vanovskaya, E.V. Literary composition and it’s installation on the amateur scene. — L.: LGIK Publ., 1989. — 79 p.

3. Vasev, D.V. Investigation in influence of reading culture on training and development of youth // Alma mater (Vestnil vysshei shkoly). — 2012. — No. 6. — P. 8993.

4. Vinokur, T.G. Speaking and listening. — M.: Nauka, 1993. — 172 p.

5. Zakharova, K.F. Dialectal division of the Russian language. — M.: Editorial URSS Publ., 2004. — 176 p.

6. Scenic speech. The past and the present. — St. Petersburg: SPGATI Publ., 2009. — 440 p.


7. Scenic speech. — M.: GITIS Publ., 2002. — 405 p.